Our working lives are dominated by ‘productivity’. Work is a non-stop struggle to do more, produce more, achieve more, create more. All the time, on time, and of course, on budget. The age old maxim is that if you’re not actively, visibly, working on something, you’re not being productive.
But all that work is exhausting. In fact, counter intuitively, ‘working hard’ may actually reduce how productive you are. Turns out the single best way for you or your team to maximize your productive output, is to stop working. Yep. Burn out is real, and if left undiagnosed/untreated, can cause irreparable and permanent damage.
You may want to sit down for this. Facebook is hands down the single best professional resource out there. Yeah, that’s right. I said it. When you need fast, reliable, world-class expert insight into pretty much any work problem you can think of, Facebook is the answer. I’ll even go step further. The more specific your need is, the more Facebook shines.
What’s that you say? Facebook is horrible? A bottomless pit of bot bait, comment thuggery, and crazy bigoted uncles? Yes, that is all undeniably true. Facebook can be, and is, a numbingly rancid cesspool of ignorance and hatred. So… if that’s the case, why is it the single best tool on the planet for getting instant, detailed, and expert feedback for whatever work problem you have? We get it. You work hard, you play hard. Time is valuable, and we’re already burning daylight people. Hell, you probably don’t even have time to read this blog post. But you should, so we’ll keep this short.
Now perhaps more than ever, your team needs to be both quick and excellent. Speed and quality, without shortcuts. And that is exactly where Low-code platforms come in. OK be honest. Do you love Excel? Or hate it? Well, no matter your answer it’s a 100% certainty that you have seen or used Excel during your career. For better or worse, Excel is a foundational part of the business world. Teams large and small use Excel for everything from poorly formatted phone lists to massively complex and interlinked tables with pivots, macros, and charts that can only be deciphered by Sue, who’s not in today.